Sunday, February 5, 2012

Olive Garden's Soup And Salad

A servers Rant


  1. i had people who one asks for just a bowl of soup and the other just for salad, and they just "share" from each others plates. thank god those days are over.

  2. Awesome, I live with Three olive garden servers. I get it

  3. I only hate it when they order it an night.

    "Oh, we're not that hungry"


  4. @eanielsen123 Its not anyone's fault but your own that you work in a shithole. If you wanted to make things better for yourself stop whining and find somewhere else to work

  5. he got fired. he's just talking out his ***

  6. I'm about to finish training....I should've looked at this before I took the job lol

  7. I wear that same tie at olive garden

  8. 7 yrs of misery. Oklahoma and Houston OG. Fuck soup and salad and the cheap fux. Just use them for thier free money and hella cheap stocks

  9. i'll remember this next time i go to olive garden, i feel so sorry for u guys, i feel worse that i orderd like a million breadsticks yesterday. :(

  10. I just fell in love with you. I was an O.G. server for years. It was the most miserable experience of my life... But I'm an expert on human nature because of it.

  11. you fucking retard youll never amount to anything...jk

  12. Yea Soup and Salad blows.... Thats why I only work dinners...... BTW It's worse when they want vinegar and olive oil instead of being fucking easy and just taking the stupid regular dressing..So then you have to go searcghing for a fucking ramican and of course they are with the line cooks who dont speak any english whatsoever so you say to them "me puede dar un ramican" and for some reason they give you this death eye like youre just a complete dick. And this all started from the S&S. FUCK OG!!

  13. At least you get $5...people where i live typically leave a dollar or two per person when they order soup & salad. :(

  14. @DAEGause07 Which OGs have you worked at?

  15. Hahahaha I love this. So true! I hate soup and salad with a burning fire intensity of a thousand suns

  16. @Stallionmarine you are one of a kind then. because  work at OG and on a "$7.41" check, the most i get is $2.59

  17. When I travel, Olive Garden is my favorite place to dine. I can't gag down fast food. I may order an entree, but usually order S+S. and a beverage. My check comes to about $8 for lunch and I leave a $20 if I get good service. So that was a $12 tip for a $8 meal. I am a regular at the Aurora Colorado OG and the servers are glad to see me visit as they know I am not a cheap SOB. The first time I visited there and left a $20, the waitress gave me a thank you and a hug. Thought she was going to cry.

  18. @hrrp11 hahaha at the OG i work at, theres a guy who comes in and always sits at the bar booth, alone, and has maybe like a half bowl of salad, but no less than 10 soups covered in cheese, we dub him The Soup Nazi!

  19. "Hey! How you guys doing ov-"
    "Soup and salad"
    "...alright, well my name is Dave. What kinda soup would you like?"
    "what kind do you have?"

    read the fucking menu.

  20. HAHAHA yesss, death to soup and salad

  21. This is a Great song!!!!! Kuddos to the maker! If I begin to vent about my experiences I will never end!

  22. This is a Great song!!!!! Kuddos to the maker! If I begin to vent about my experiences I will never end! 

  23. This is a really amazing blog and the post(s) are awesome!!! good stuff!
